November 05, 2008

Yes We Can, Yes We Did

Oh yeah we did it!

I’m too hung over to write anything particularly good, witty, congratulatory, mocking, anything. I should, I will, but right now I can’t given how fantastic last night was (that’s code for I’m hungover).

So for now, I leave you with LOLs (that aren’t actually LOLs, but they’re good):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More than the sense of winning, I feel relieved that so many Americans, woke up and took our country back. Not since JFK's election (yes, I am old enough to remember that election) have I had this feeling that my country has spoken, all of it.

It isn't all one voice and the disagreements will not just stop now that the election is over but the core of America still works. I was afraid that after the last two election cycles that we had allowed corruption to go too far.

This level of involvement probably won't last long. Maybe that is good. It takes cataclysmic events to stir this beast but usually it results in good.

Most of the time our country lets some people muck about the edges and we tolerate a lot out of complacency but this time the damage went too deep and the danger looms too large and that's when the "real America" wakes up and takes control. I am relieved that the "real America" is still the one I love.