March 23, 2005

Christian/Communist Religion?

“The government as the final arbiter of your circumstances and needs; if it weren’t so wrapped up in American Christianity, what we’d be talking about is Communism.”

Great line from SimianBrian’s blog, via the Unpaid Punditry Corps. Specifically regarding the Schiavo case.

It makes me laugh and think, because I actually believe Communism is much like religion in it’s irrationality. Atheists have to believe without evidence just as strongly as religiosos have to cling to their make-believe world. Communism is as demanding of adherence and blind loyalty as Christianity is.

And yet they hate each other.

We secularists are not atheists nor communists. Both insist that you believe something without proof. I always veered away from being called an agnostic, but I guess that’s the best label to apply. I’ll make one instead about intelligent design, I would be perfectly fine if someone proved to me that there was an ultimate intelligence that was behind the design of the universe. I would also be perfectly fine if it were proved to me there weren’t.

But it is not fine for the religious, because every time a religious aspect is disproved via science and reason, it weakens the entire religious institution. Well if they were wrong about that, what else were they wrong about? So the religious institutions cannot tolerate certain beliefs being disproven or in cultures evolving.

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