The one and only Ann Coulter. They truly broke the mold after making her. Thanks to the gods!
I would ignore her, but she's makes it too easy! Like there was any doubt she would use the Terri Schiavo case to smear anyone who disagrees with her.
Some choice excerpts:
Liberals' newfound respect for "federalism" is completely disingenuous. People who support a national policy on abortion are prohibited from ever using the word "federalism."
Huh? Rights to privacy are only supposed to apply by state? Give it up. A woman shouldn't have different rights to control her own body depending on what latitude and longitude she happens to be in. That was a crap argument about slavery, and it's a crap argument now.
There is nothing in the law, the Constitution or the concept of "federalism" that mandates giving courts the last word.
No, the last word is the Constitution. Don't like a court's ruling of a law as constituational, amend the Constitution. That's why the religious wack jobs want a constitutional amendment against gay marriage. Cause they know what they are doing is unconstitutional.
Just once, we need an elected official to stand up to a clearly incorrect ruling by a court.
We did. Gavin Newsom in San Francisco. Oh, sorry Ann, you mean only when it's for your pet unconstitutional causes.
Terri has yet to receive either an MRI or a PET scan.
Ann, before you start throwing around acronyms you know precious little about, how about explaining to your readers the difference between an MRI, PET, and CAT scan and why a CAT scan isn't sufficient (it is). But ooh, you learned two new acronyms and conveniently forgot a third. Are you Dr. Ann Coulter now?
Greer has cut off the legal rights of Terri's real family and made her husband ... her sole guardian.
That's what husbands and wives are to each other. I thought that was the core piece to your sanctity of marriage b.s. Oh, are you about to tell me that the gays have destroyed the sanctity of Terri's marriage. How hypocritical can you get on this topic?
They [the courts] can't be stopped — solely because the entire country has agreed to treat the pronouncements of former ambulance-chasers as the word of God.
But, according to your Antonin Scalia, the laws are derived from the word of God. C'mon Ann, pick a side. Are the laws of this country, upheld by the courts, derived from your one true god or aren't they? I can't keep up with your ideological flip flopping.
"... Republican governor disgraced by the illiterate ramblings of a state judiciary ..."
She's referring here to Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts wrt the gay marriage decision. An illiterate state judiciary appointed by Republicans I might add. And you want Bush's appointees pushed through? Doesn't look like your party's picks help you out much. Even Scalia turned on your boy by not letting him deprive American citizens of their constituational rights.
Well, that was a fun morning read. Ann, thanks for giving me a laugh. Your contortionist rationale designed to justify whatever weird position you've decided to take on any given day is always amusing.
No, actually it's not. I know Bill Maher's got a huge crush on Ann. Calls her his dominatrix. They should try some role reversal. I think Ann would look smashing in a ball gag.
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That woman is such an idiot - I can't even stand to listen to her!
It's a form of sado-masichim. I have an irresistable urge to read her crap.
Thanks for stopping by. You have the privilege of being the first commenter on my newly launched standalone blog. I appreciate it.
I think it's funny that you went from elsewhere to Florida to Tennessee. My family went from Tennessee to Florida (before I escaped to Seattle). What part of Florida are you from and what part of Tennessee do you live in?
I would too. But with the ball gag in.
Please! Yes, at least keep the ball gag in ;-)
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