September 05, 2008

Finally! Investment in Infrastructure

You can ask any one of my friends about how I've been blathering on for the last two years at least that this country needs to seriously re-invest in our infrastructure. Bridges, power grids, new power sources, etc. Investment like that pays off. People work, they pay taxes, they consume (and therefore pay more taxes) and are generally more productive over all. It's what FDR did to get us out of the Depression. Cutting taxes and telling Americans to shop their way out of a disaster is stupid. Investing in this country's infrastructure is smart.

So I'm quite pleased that on the news of today's even higher-than-expected unemployment rate, that's precisely what the Obama campaign is proposing:

McCain, Obama offer different plans to stop job losses
"... Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) told reporters by phone today that Obama would cut taxes for 95% of working Americans and combine that with a new fund for infrastructure projects, which would include aid packages to states that have delayed these projects ... McCaskill said this program would put 1 million people to work in the US."

This pleases me.

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