At this stage of the game, I am perfectly content to just make fun of McCain and Palin until the election. I no longer attempt to persuade or educate. That time is past. Because the only ones left are the “undecideds.” And I don’t know what to say to those people because what more do you need to decide? Everything’s out there.
All the decideds have made their choices. The early Obama and McCain adherents decided a long time ago.Those of us who supported Hillary on the issues switched to Obama. Sarah Palin didn’t change anything other than to provide an option to folks who a) were Hillary supporters who were never going to vote for Obama and b) give fundy Christians a reason to vote at all since they hate McCain or c) scare real Republicans into finally committing to Obama. Oh, and she’s also given me entertainment (albeit of the terrifying kind, like a really good horror movie or a particularly steep roller coaster) for the last two months or so of the election cycle.
People who were undecided at the time of the convention should have decided by now. Once the convention platforms were set, once the two tickets were formed, once the post-convention coverage started, we had all we needed to decide (whichever way anyone’s decided).
As far as I can tell, the undecideds are people who fall into one or more of the following groups:
- People who don’t pay attention until the debates start.
- People who don’t vote on issues, but on things like style and personality.
- People who haven’t decided whether they are voting at all.
To the first group, you’ve got to be kidding me this time around. If anyone hasn’t been paying attention from at least the conventions, what is wrong with you? Everyone—including the rich, the poor, the middle, the apathetic—has been affected by the war, gas prices, housing slump, interest rates, the stock market, etc. If you haven’t been paying attention, what in the hell do you think will fix it?
To the second group, I just don’t have words. Who appears more presidential is boohey. Both Obama and McCain have that ethereal “presidential” quality, no matter which one you like. What matters is who can actually get shit done and make sure the right shit gets done. While I will pop the popcorn (and a cork or two) for the Vice Presidential debate tomorrow, it’s primarily because it will be entertaining to see who tickles their tonsils with their toes more, Biden or Palin. But as for finding out which one is more qualified to run this country, that’s not even a comparison. Palin has shown us she’s not qualified. Now you may decide you don’t care, but don’t use the excuse of the debate to say you haven’t decided. He’s qualified, she’s not, and if you haven’t already made up your mind why would a debate make it for you?
I can’t even bother with the third group. They are sheep who are happy to let the rest of us run their lives for them. So we will.
So that’s why I’m not being terribly serious anymore in my commentary (whether here or on FB) about this election. Now I’m just having fun so if the joke’s on me, I at least have something to look back upon. But it's easy to be happy and conceited right now (sorry Slog, I definitely have the joy) given the poll numbers right now.Obama 286 McCain 190 Ties 62*
Senate Dem 58 GOP 42
House Dem 240 GOP 194 Ties 1
*Those ties are Florida and North Carolina that are shifting blue from red, not the other way around.
1 comment:
You still care. So do I and I fear in my case the strain is beginning to show. The polls are encouraging but we poor liberals have been here before with our high hopes. This year we have a candidate that merits the strain, at least.
I had the chance just yesterday to plant the seed of conversion with a fundy conservative relative who is being frightened by Palin's lack of any qualifications and McCain's overt hawkishness expressed in the debate.
The seed I planted was, "Do you want a president that thinks he has all the answers or do you want one who is wise enough to know that he isn't an expert on everything and is smart enough in seeking expert opinion to be able to tell who knows their stuff and who is just blowing smoke?"
I left it at that. Any further argument would have lost me ground because of my "obvious liberal bias".
I will be front and center for the debate tonight and the next two. This election is the most addictive substance I've ever encountered. What will I do after Nov. 4?
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