October 30, 2008

Election Fatigued (or Another Round of Political Inanities)

There is absolutely nothing new to write about politically and I’m completely incapable of writing about anything else until the election is decided. So here’s another round of political inanities. None of this is meant to be useful, insightful, infuriating, or entertaining. If it is any of those things, gravy.

The Obamercial was wonderfully done. Everything about it screamed leadership and is a welcome change from the stumbling bumbling of curious George. If nothing else, watching this campaign has raised the bar on what campaigning is about.

I was a little concerned about how Jon Stewart would fare with an Obama Administration. But as I was recently reminded by a post someone made on Facebook, he—should Obama win—will still have Joe Biden. Go Joe!

Speaking of Facebook, it’s been a godsend to me this election cycle. I live in a very liberal bubble, and the recent addition of so many of my former classmates in Florida (most of who are either very much for McCain or more probably very much against Obama) has pierced that bubble. In previous elections I’ve had my father to spar against, but even he’s solidly in the Obama camp.

And speaking of Florida, huge kudos to Governor Charlie Crist for supporting voter enfranchisement by extending early voting hours, regardless of the politics. Probably paving his way for 2012. I don’t know much about Crist, but I do know he was on a short-list for McCain’s VP pick. Is he centering himself for the coming Republican schism and positioning himself for 2012 or 2016? North Carolina also made a good, reasoned, decision regarding extending their early voting hours:

“‘I'm concerned that some counties will and some counties won't and that will be manipulated by the campaigns — they will hold them open later in Democratic counties and then will close them early in Republican counties,’ … So the board agreed to extend the mandate to all 100 counties, allowing them to opt out only if all members of county election boards agree.”

No matter what, more voting is good for this country. Our turnout has been pathetic.

Palin seems to have fallen off the news cycle. This is probably a good thing, but leaves me without as much inane situations to write about. But since this wouldn’t be much of an inanities post without a mention about the Palin wardrobe malfunction, here’s Piper’s opinion. Smart kid!


Anonymous said...

What do your buddies in Florida think of the "Bill and Barry" rally? My take: it was nice to see Bill again and to refresh the old memory circuits that, once upon a time, we didn't mind having a man with some brainpower as President.

Gypsy Kaz said...

No idea, none of them commented on it or this post so far. I definitely am looking forward to brains returning to the White House.