October 22, 2008

Naughty Monkey!

How you like that redistribution of wealth? Money donated to elect Republicans diverted—to the tune of $150,000—to Sarah Palin’s costumes.

You can say they’d be donated to charity after the election, but who would want it if she loses? It’s only valuable if the Sarah Palin collection is that of a winner. And if they won, how is she going to pay to continue to dress herself in the style y’all (and she) have become accustomed to? Have you seen how she dressed before?



Why would they do something this dumb, this discoverable? Why would they dress her in Valentino when she’s supposed to connect to the “real” American. Newsflash from a fashion junkie: Valentino is the definition of elite. Naughty Monkey shoes? They’re not that expensive, but the name! After the Cindy McCain coverage from the convention, was anyone in the McCain camp thinking when they went on a $75,000 shopping spree?

It ain’t my money, and I’m definitely jealous (though I do have much better shoes), but this is so from the what-the-hell-were-they-thinking school of campaigning. Nothing says out of touch or fake when you’re talking about $2,500 jackets (that’s just the jacket, not the jewelry, the shoes, the skirt, the makeup, the hair stylist,etc.).

The Sarah Palin collection and the Joe the Plumber butt crack jeans collection. Is that what we fashionistas have to look forward to if McCain wins?

I don’t know if I have enough laughter left for the next stupid move the McCain camp makes. But at least that ain’t my money being spent. But will it be if she wins?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting...ALSO...(sorry I couldn't help myself) that the McCain campaign couldn't pay for Palin's new look because of the McCain-Feingold Act so they just used RNC money?