Where’s Ann Coulter? Where is the woman I love to hate? Where is her fanatical, nonsensical support for Sarah Palin? I need her. Michelle Malkin is a pale shadow to the skinny acid-tongued bitch goddess. But it looks like Ann is pretty much sitting out this election. Wow, you people scared off Ann Coulter?!? I’m truly frightened.
It’s no secret Ann, like most rabid right-wing social conservatives, didn’t like John McCain. She was ready to support Hillary rather than deal with a McCain candidacy. But not Obama. So I was expecting the full force and fury of this nut job unleashed. But the best she can do is constantly refer to him as B. Hussein Obama. Weak sauce! Tepid tea! It’s no fun to make fun of someone who isn’t even trying.
Sure, she’ll bash Obama and Biden, and her first article after the Palin pick was all sunny and supportive. Then, nothing. I mean, she writes her weekly column, but none of it has any bite. And if you Google her, you get more recent hits of Hasselback saying she’s not like Coulter than anything Coulter says herself. The post-VP debate column barely mentioned Sarah Palin and two weeks ago her column was about polling statistics. Middle of October, and she’s talking about statistics? The last bastion of the uninterested? What the hell happened Ann?
Even look at her most recent Hannity & Colmes appearance. Lame, very lame. Where’s the fire, the bite, even the wit? No wonder Bill Maher doesn’t have her on anymore.
Guess that little bit from Palin about there being a Constitutional right to privacy didn’t jibe with Ann’s worldview. Someone like Ann probably gaped in horror at the misstep after misstep which only served to rub more salt in the McCain induced wound. Ann Coulter is mean, wrong, nasty, and certifiable. But she’s a consistent psycho.
And dare I say it, I miss her.
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You bastards!
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