I wrote this post up about my reaction to Sarah Palin’s pro-America small towns, and the real vs. fake Virginia, and whatnot. And you can read it below if you like. But really, I know that I pale in comparison to the likes of the almighty Jon Stewart (now that's a proper use of all y'all):
I’ve lived in a small town. I’ve lived in a medium sized city. I live in a big city. There is no “real” America. Small towns are glorified … why? It’s comments like this one from Sarah Palin that generate the class warfare such as it is.
"We believe that the best of America is in the small towns that we get to visit, and in the wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard-working, very patriotic, very pro-America areas of this great nation," [Sarah Palin] said.
If you like small town life, great. I understand that. My mother lives in a small town and I can see the attraction it offers. My sister lives in a small town. I get that too. But that’s not better than living in a big city. It’s different.
This type of rhetoric goes back to what I wrote here, about how the people I’m against are the people who want to turn me into them. This is the same type of thing. Are small-town people so insecure that only by denigrating those that aren’t like them they can feel good about their choice? I know that’s not true, again both my mother and sister live in small towns and don’t feel insecure about their choices. Neither do they have to run down my or my other sister’s cities in some defense of their choice. They chose that, we chose this, it’s all good.
But people like Sarah Palin seem so unsure of themselves; so insecure in their positions that they have to fan the flames of culture and class warfare.
Every country is made up of small, medium, and big towns. They are all hyper-reliant upon each other. Otherwise, it would have culturally evolved out of existence. We coastal elites are not the ones creating the class warfare. It’s the Sarah Palin’s of the world.
We’re fighting two wars. We have an economic meltdown. We have an education, healthcare, and food crisis. We have a Social Security nightmare in the offing. And all little Ms. Palin can talk about is how small towns are good towns implying the rest of us are bad bad bad.
Tell you what Sarah, you love your small towns so much, go back to yours and the rest of us will continue to run this country.
You are right.
In the hurly-burly of these last days before the election not as much notice has been given to Barak Obama's basic premise, We are ALL Americans. This more than anything else caught my attention in 2004 and keeps it now. I have a gut feeling that I am not alone in being fed up with being told that because I do not share fundamentalist christian, conservative republican ideals that I am not worthy of being an American.
I would like to have your opinion on the societal denigration of any display of intellect. Why is it better in our mainstream society to be dumb? Barak Obama was ridiculed for months for speaking in an educated manner. I remember when we exhalted in sophisticated well crafted speeches from JFK and RFK and MLK and anyone else who could manage one. I remember my youth in a small town where the "regular folk" could appreciate these speeches and discussed them at the lunch counter or the beauty shop/barbershop.
Why is dumb currently held in higher regard?
Dumb people are not held in high regard, sheeple are held in high regard by the Republican Party b/c sheeple do what they're told and you can't wage war without an army of foot soldiers willing to do what you tell them without thinking. Sheeple are patriotic b/c they will do what they're supposed to... Dumb? Not at all. Sheeple... abso-f*cking-lutely!
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